My daughter is dancing once again in front of the TV. I look over and she is watching one of her favorite shows on Nickelodeon: Yo Gabba Gabba!
There is an episode called Christmas which I have deemed to be my daughter’s favorite. In the beginning there is a song in which one of the characters, Toodee begins to sing how winter is her favorite season because of ice skating, snow angels and how she likes to throw snow in the air and catch it on her nose.
She obviously was not in Seattle during the weeks in December to experience the craziness my mind went through with all the inches of snow that lined the street in front of my house or the 17 inches that blew over to even double the snow in my driveway in the back.
Nevertheless, as a parent I must take my child outside and experience the white There was really nothing else better to do. My house was spotless after cleaning it over and over and Jasmine was getting cabin fever since the snow disabled her from going to school. I was NOT going to drive and even though Chris was, he was working and not coming home until 9pm which limited our going out time. The bright side was I could used some photography practice and what better pictures than winter wonderland ones?
The first day the snow was light and was almost all melted away. Me thinking that this was the only time snow would be on the ground, hopped on the opportunity and bundled Jasmine up and went outside. First we went to the park.
Walking back to the house...
She was so fascinated by the sewer drains during our walk back. She stopped at! It drove me nuts but soon ended up being really funny.
She wanted to listen to the water, since the snow was melting... Here's her 'listening'.
She was laughing because not only did she stop at sewer drains, she also stopped at houses constantly asking if it was her house. When I would tell her no, she would burst out laughing. When we finally got to our house, she asked again and when I said no just to see what she would say. She yelled, 'No mommy! My house!"
In the driveway before it turned into craziness in just a matter of days...
The start of craziness...after spending some time in the driveway, we were ready to go inside...until it started snowing. I had to get a shot or two! (The other photos from this posting is here.
When snow turns to ice...
I thought this was pretty on a day like this.
See the blue skies? It soon turned to white...
When more snow came...
And I can't do a posting of my daughter without a cameo of her fave toy ever, Baby Sister!
When it started to get really bad, it was at nighttime. Chris, Jasmine and I just so happened to be at my niece, Mia's, first birthday party (to be blogged soon!) and we had drove through the snow to get there. While enjoying the festivities, it started snowing again...and this time it was even harder.
We left early to fight the storm to get back literally was a snowstorm! You couldn't see anything but white. I was so relieved when we finally pulled up to the front of our house, knowing we were safe. Chris went out to measure how much snow had fallen...and it was 17 inches!
The following morning, I peered out the window and saw how much snow had actually fallen. It was bad. Then I looked in the back where my driveway is and saw the horror. From the look of it, it looked like it had added at least 2 additional inches! Stupid ole me decides to go back there to see how much ‘fun’ it would be to try to walk in 17+ inches of snow…and to bring Jasmine with me. It was absolutely insane, especially when Jasmine fell and almost got buried by the snow that fell off a tree nearby.
Jasmine loved it but it just plain freaked me out. After awhile of her playing I decided to take her in the safeness of our house. Yeah, yeah...I'm one of those overprotective crazy moms...Whatever. Besides I was tired of feeling like I was Sasquatch. I just hope that it doesn't get like this again.
This photo was taken during the first day of snow. I ended up framing it and giving it to her Grandma for Christmas. :)
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